李宁波 /     Ningbo Li




博士,副教授,硕士生导师,博士后合作导师,校聘骨干人才。山东大学材料科学与工程专业(硕博连读)博士,博士后研究经历。目前主要从事:医用硬组织植入材料设计及促成骨机制;材料可控降解及多功能3D增材制造。先后主持国家博士后面上基金和山东省自然科学基金等多项国家和省部级科研项目。中国生物材料学会及医用金属分会委员,山东省再生医学学会委员。担任Applied Surface Science, Scripta Materialia, Biomedical Materials等多种专业学术期刊审稿人。


聚焦于“材料促骨修复与再生功能”研究方向,主要利用材料工程纳米化等技术,开展牙、骨等特殊物化性质植入材料促成骨的胞内调控机制研究,神经-骨串扰作用下的神经化骨修复,更接近自然骨组织微环境的植入体3D打印增材制造三方面的系列工作。发表相关SCI期刊论文30余篇,其中以第一作者在Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等专业期刊上发表SCI论文11篇,申请授权国家发明专利10余项,具有丰富的理论和自主知识产权技术储备。


李傲楠,山东第一医科大学口腔医学院 后备A类人才,讲师。2023年博士毕业于日本大阪大学口腔医学专业,2023年至今担任口腔医学院讲师。现主要从事生物活性纳米结构的开发及其应用探究;以及血管化组织工程的构建。以第一/通讯作者在J. Dent. Res., Stem Cells Int.等期刊发表论文4篇,共发表SCI论文10余篇。联系方式:liaonan@sdfmu.edu.cn

左康卿,山东第一医科大学口腔医学院 博士后。2023年博士毕业山东大学材料科学与工程专业。2023年-至今于山东第一医科大学从事博士后研究工作。现主要进行抑菌、骨免疫调控等硬组织医用多功能材料设计与机制研究。以第一作者(含共)在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Surface & Coatings Technology, Materials Science & Engineering C等期刊发表论文5篇,申请发明专利4项。联系方式kqzuo@sdfmu.edu.cn


1. 山东省医药卫生科技项目面上项目,202404070683,超细纳米晶单畴化力-电耦合介导的神经化骨修复机制研究,2025/01-2026/12,8万,在研,主持。

2. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目,ZR2020QE010,可控降解Mg-(TixMgy)O-Ag-HAp微纳多级复合结构构建及其抑菌-成骨多功能机理,2021/01-2023/12,15万元,结题,主持。

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2019M652298,抑菌微纳多级复合结构对干细胞成骨分化行为的调控,2019/09-2021/09,8万元,结题,主持。


(1) Shishuo Li#, Xiaoqing Lu#, Qihao Chai, Peng Wang, Benzhao Huang, Shimin Dai, Jianing Liu, Zhibo Zhao, Xiao Li, Bing Liu, Kangqing Zuo, Zhentao Man*, Ningbo Li*, Wei Li*. Engineered niobium carbide MXenzyme-integrated self-adaptive coatings inhibiting periprosthetic osteolysis by orchestrating osteogenesis-osteoclastogenesis balance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2024; 16(23):29805-29822.

(2) Ning-bo Li#; Ya-fang Zhang#, Hui Zhi, Jie-bin Tang, Yang Shao; Li-ping Yang, Tian-yu Sun; Hong Liu*; Guo-bin Xue*, Micro/nano-cactus structured aluminium with superhydrophobicity and plasmon-enhanced photothermal trap for icephobicity, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 429, 132183.

(3) Ning-bo Li#; Da-jie Yang#; Yang Shao; Yun-ting Liu; Jie-bin Tang; Li-ping Yang; Tian-yu Sun; Wei-jia Zhou; Hong Liu*; Guo-bin Xue*, Nanostructured Black Aluminum Prepared by Laser Direct Writing as a High-Performance Plasmonic Absorber for Photothermal/Electric Conversion, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 4305-4315.

(4) Ning-bo Li*; Xing-chuan Zhao; Shao-ning Geng; Wen-hua Xu; Gui-yong Xiao; Yu-peng Lu*, Microstructures of Ti6Al4V matrices induce structural evolution of bioactive surface oxide layers via cold compression and induction heating, Applied Surface Science, 2021, 552, 149504.

(5) Ning-bo Li#*; Sheng-jun Sun#; Han-ying Bai; Wen-hua Xu; Gui-yong Xiao; Yi-lin Zhang*; Yu-peng Lu*, Evolution of nano/submicro-scale oxide structures on Ti6Al4V achieved by an ultrasonic shot peening-induction heating approach for high-performance surface design of bone implants, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 831, 154876.

(6) Ning-bo Li#*; Sheng-jun Sun#; Han-ying Bai; Wen-hua Xu; Gui-yong Xiao; Xin Chen, Jun-han Zhao, Yi-lin Zhang*; Yu-peng Lu*, Micro/nanoscale multistructures of oxide layers on Ti6Al4V achieved by acid etching and induction heating for high osteogenic activity in vitro, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, 393, 125816.

(7) Ning-bo Li#; Sheng-jun Sun#; Han-ying Bai; Gui-yong Xiao; Wen-hua Xu; Jun-han Zhao; Xin Chen; Yu-peng Lu*; Yi-lin Zhang*, Preparation of well-distributed titania nanopillar arrays on Ti6Al4V surface by induction heating for enhancing osteogenic differentiation of stem cells, Nanotechnology, 2018, 29, 45101.

(8) Ning-bo Li; Gui-yong Xiao; Jun-han Zhao; Xin Chen; Wen-hua Xu; Yu-peng Lu*, Transformation of surface compositions of titanium during alkali and heat treatment with different vacuum degrees, New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 11991-12000.

(9) Ning-bo Li; Wen-hua Xu; Jun-han Zhao; Gui-yong Xiao; Yu-peng Lu*, The significant influence of ionic concentrations and immersion temperatures on deposition behaviors of hydroxyapatite on alkali- and heat-treated titanium in simulated body fluid, Thin Solid Films, 2018, 646, 163-172.

(10) Ning-bo Li; Wen-hua Xu; Gui-yong Xiao; Jun-han Zhao; Yu-peng Lu*, A bioactive coating with submicron-sized titania crystallites fabricated by induction heating of titanium after tensile deformations, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2017, 75, 105-113.

(11) Ning-bo Li; Gui-yong Xiao; Bing Liu; Ze Wang; Rui-fu Zhu; Yu-peng Lu*, Rapid deposition of spherical apatite on alkali–heat treated titanium in modified simulated body fluid at high temperature, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2016, 301, 121-125.
